- ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 & DIFE approved company .
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Servelo Inspection LTD.
SERVELO helps its clients to ensure the quality and safety of their products, processes, and systems.

We value our commitment
About Servelo
We go beyond testing, inspecting and certifying products; we are a Total Quality Assurance provider to industries of Bangladesh. Our technical expertise we provide innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification services to customers. We provide a systemic approach to supporting our customers’ Quality Assurance efforts in each of the areas of their operations including R&D, raw materials sourcing, components suppliers, manufacturing, transportation, distribution and retail channels, and consumer management.
We can help to ensure that your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world.
We Provide Various Services
Our Services
SERVELO Inspection Company Ltd. offering wide range of service including Inspection, verification, testing and certification services for industries, Food & Agricultural Services and Pre-shipment Inspection for Export to Bangladesh. SERVELO offers welding inspection and NDT Services during project construction and after construction as well. Production Checks during the manufacturing cycles and Pre-Loading Inspections and supervisions as well as in service inspection of machinery pressure vessels, lifting equipment/tools/shackles.
As part of Bangladesh Government’s mandate, SERVELO providing mandatory Pre-shipment inspection services covering varied importable items including different types of plant machinery and equipment’s with reputation.

Our Clients
We are closely associated with the Government, Semi-Government and Energy sector in the various inspections, testing, auditing services. Some of the valued clients are:

Contact us now
- Locations
Dhaka Office
1052,Dada, Yeasin Tower, Flat – 2/C,Shahjadpur, Eidgha Mosjid Road,Gulshan, Dhaka-1212
Chittagong office
House # 3(2nd floor), lane-5, Road # 1, Block # L, Halishahar Housing Estate, Chittagong-4216, Bangladesh